Last Tuesday Brandon and I woke up early for a day trip to Twin Falls, Idaho for the opportunity to sit down and talk with the case worker overseeing my sister in law's case with her two children in foster care. It was a good sit down as far as we know. It was an opportunity for both Brandon and I to sit down with her and ask any questions that we had, and to discuss any concerns. It was also a good opportunity for her to meet us and for us to show her that we are serious about all of our intentions and the interest that we have expressed in adopting Taylor. We found that she was very easy to talk to, and was willing to answer our questions. I am sure it took patience to answer all of our many questions because we wanted answers in order for us to learn more about the process and to make sure that everything from our end was going well.
We said a prayer before we went in to talk with her so that we would know by the Spirit what questions to ask. When the meeting was over, we came back out to the car and felt really good about the questions we asked, and in general how the meeting went.
We had to drive back as soon as we could because I had a mandatory meeting that night in Salt Lake City. I had just about had it with the driving in the car that day, but I went anyway. Then the next morning, Brandon woke up feeling sick, even though it was the morning of his flight to Orlando, Florida for the Deaf basketball tournament. His team played well from what I hear, and came in 9th out of 16 teams that went. Not bad for a first time! The rest of that day, I spent interpreting.
Thursday night was the last foster parenting training class for me. It was not an easy topic, but overall it was beneficial. The topics they have discussed have really been eye opening because they really put things in to perspective for me. It makes me really appreciate and be thankful for the loving family that I was raised in and for the relationships I have with my parents.
I was up most of the night Thursday because I had the rare (but certainly not lucky) opportunity to have one of those middle of the night type of appointments to interpret for. Then I had to wake up again and get ready for a 7:15 am appointment. After that I came home and slept for several hours. I got some things done around the house, and then drove to Salt Lake to go out to dinner with my friend Angie and then go to a movie. It was a great time! It is really nice to have a girls night out once in a while. I planned to stay in Salt Lake until Brandon's flight came in at 11:30 pm, but during dinner, Brandon sent me a message stating that his connective flight from Chicago to home was going to be delayed an hour. I thought that that was no big deal, and just thought maybe I could go wander aimlessly around a Walmart for a while, but then during the movie, he sent me another message saying that his flight had been delayed yet ANOTHER hour, and that it wasn't going to get in until 1:30 am or so. I had no idea what I was going to do, and was starting to feel overwhelmed at the thought of having to stay in Salt Lake with no place to go, and staying awake that late again, only to have to wake up early again the next morning to pack, drop Lexi off at a boarding place for dogs, and drive 3 more hours to Rexburg for a wedding of one of B's close high school friends. Well, his plane didn't get in until about 2 am. I spent the entire night reading a book I ran to Walmart to buy. I had nearly finished it in the few hours I sat in the bag claim area of the airport waiting for Brandon to come in. I let Brandon drive home that night, and then I almost didn't think that I would make it to the wedding because of how tired and gross I felt from a serious lack of sleep!
Even thought it was a short time of respite from the everyday life in Utah, we really had a good time staying for one night in a Best Western Inn in Rexburg with Brandon's parents. They were great and got us a room with a king sized bed. Brandon and I have already made a promise to one another that we are going to buy a king size pillowtop bed once the one we have now wears out! We were in heaven on that thing because we could both sprawl out and move without feeling the other person!
We drove back on Sunday and enjoyed the rest of our day together. We are still both recovering from a lack of sleep, but we will live!
Oh and I almost forgot! We will have the opportunity to go to Twin Falls to visit Taylor every now and again as long as we call and make the necessary arrangements. The reason behind this is going to be so we can get to know him and start developing a bond with him, so that if we are chosen to be his adoptive parents, at least he will have some kind of bond with us.
That's all for now! Love y'all!