For the last 2 weeks or so, I have slept on the couch because I wasn't getting ANY sleep with the baby sleeping in our room. The reason the baby was in our room is that the Utah Foster Care foundation says that you are allowed a little one under the age of 2 in your room. Since we have a 2 bedroom duplex, Hunter was in the other room as we got settled in to a routine, and the baby sleeping in our room became part of that routine.
There was just one problem... the baby wasn't sleeping through the night, and is a VERY restless sleeper. He was waking up once or twice a night for sometimes no reason at all, and would make just enough noise in his sleep that would keep me awake or wake me up in the night. This was NOT my idea of an ideal situation. So I was reading through the foundation's rules that said that two siblings of the same gender could be in the same room together. I thought this was wonderful except for the fact that the baby not sleeping through the night would not be a good combination to waking up a 2 year old. So I decided that sleeping on the couch was the best answer to this until I was for sure the baby was used to sleeping through the night. It wasn't easy to not go pick him up when he cried at night, but I was far enough away that with some earplugs, I could stay asleep if he woke up crying.
Last night after I bathed the boys, I decided to move the baby's bed in to the other room, and get everything set up and rearranged so his bed would fit. I ended up putting the baby down first for bed and then 1/2 an hour later I put Hunter in his. Let's just say that my first night back in my own bed was GLORIOUS! I slept really well for the first night in weeks! Hallelujah!
Hi Lisa! I found a link to your blog on Facebook. Hope the sleeping arrangements work out. That's got to be quite an adjustment.
Hi Lisa! I found a link to your blog on Facebook. Hope the sleeping arrangements work out. That's got to be quite an adjustment.
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