Tuesday, June 2

Ignorance is Bliss? Maybe in Most Cases...

I have to start this post by saying that I know there is no shortage of idiots in the world today. I am no stranger to ignorant people making stupid comments, especially having worked in the Deaf Community as an interpreter, having a husband who is Deaf, and the fact my niece and nephew are inter-racially adopted. My sister has a myriad of things she could tell you about ignorant people's comments to her about her children.

A few weeks ago, my husband, the boys and I went out to Costa Vida, (one of our favorite restaurants) and there was this lady standing behind us in line. We were playing with our boys and trying to keep them entertained as we waited in line and she asked us how old they were. I told her the boys' ages, and she replied that they were so close in age (2 1/2 and 1). I replied saying they were our foster children and that they really do keep us busy. She looked at me with surprise and said "They're foster kids?....But they are so cute!". (What? Are foster kids supposed to be ugly?!!!!!)

Needless to say I thought she was an idiot for making such an ignorant statement. Maybe I shouldn't judge, but seriously??!!!


Tanya Wilde said...

LOL...maybe because the boys are so cute, she meant "why would you give up cute babies?" or something along those lines...or maybe foster kids are a bunch of diformed weirdos to her. Who knows. That's pretty funny though. (:

Tammie said...


Unknown said...

LOL... i guess there are ignorant people out there to create a balance in intelligence. :)