For the last month, Hallie has had an ongoing cough. It started with the cold and cough that was going around crazy quick about a month ago. I took her to the pediatrician in December just a couple of days before we adopted her. She was given an anti-biotic to get her feeling better. Her nose seemed to clear up, but she never really got rid of the cough.
A few weeks went by..............and still she has had this horrible cough. I walked in to her room yesterday morning to a fountain of green snot coming out of her nose, and her cough was more frequent, and sounded even worse. This morning, I walked in to a similar scenario.
I decided to call the pediatrician again. So we went to our 2:45 pm appointment. She was diagnosed with a sinus infection (surprise, surprise) and the doctor expressed some concern that the cough hadn't gone away. I asked if there was a chance that it hadn't gone away because of the HORRIFIC nasty inversions that we get here in Utah. She said that could be part of it, but her other concern was that a lingering cough could be a sign of the "A" word. ASTHMA. She said that there really aren't any tests that you can give to a little one Hallie's age, but that she recommended I keep an eye on it.
I'm not freaking out or anything, but I sure hope this doesn't turn in to something ugly like asthma. I know that Hallie's biological mom had asthma as a kid.
On a side note, the good news was that Hallie has gained over a pound in only 5 weeks! Anyone that knows her, or has seen her knows this is HUGE. She is such a little lightweight (I wish I had that problem) so any weight that she gains is fantastic. Our doctor told me at her 18 month checkup if Hallie didn't gain more weight by her 2 year checkup, she'd recommend a visit to a nutritionist. Ugh.
So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that her health improves, and she continues to gain more weight!
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