Monday, September 7

Caffeine Free Folks!

Today marks 2 entire weeks since I have consumed any caffeine. I am a caffeine-free woman! (wishing right about now that I was a fat-free woman)

For years and years I have consumed caffeine in mass quantities since dating a guy in high school who's family drank Dr. Pepper like water. I will admit that I went for a couple of year in college without it. For some reason I started up again and when I found out I had Diabetes, I was more than happy to switch to Diet Dr. Pepper.

This "habit" as my mom likes to call it, really turned into one. I got to the point where I couldn't wait to have my early/mid-morning "hit" of caffeine. I would get up, shower, and the come upstairs to get a Diet Dr Pepper only to take it down stairs with me to drink while finishing my "getting ready for the day" routine.

When we got the boys, it got even worse! Lack of sleep didn't help either. It was the only thing that could get me through the day.... or so I thought.

I started doing things to make sure I got my caffeine for the day. I would wake up in the morning, get ready as fast as I could and throw the boys in the car to drive the 1 mile to the gas station and buy 2-4 Diet Dr Pepper's for the day or next 2 days. Then I realized that I was participating in "addict" behavior! I would get moody and anxious if I didn't get my caffeine.. then the headaches would hit.

When the boys left us, I decided it was time to make some changes. I went to Idaho with my husband for a few days, drank a TON of caffeine, and then during my trip to Denver I decided not to drink ANY caffeine. For those of you that know my family, most of us LOVE soda. So my parents had tons of it, either caffeinated or decaffeinated. I chose the diet decaffeinated stuff to help with this. That was 2 weeks ago! I must say the withdrawals were HECK. The headaches were the worst, on top of feeling extremely tired for the first few days. If those were the lousy withdrawals from only a bad caffeine habit, I can't even begin to imagine the crap people experience with stronger more controlling habits!

So here's to healthy!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Thats awesome. I stop drank as if its water almost couple of month ago. At times I took a sip and when I did, I felt a bit sick from it already. So far, Water and Juices now my best friends. I guess you can say I just got divorced from Dr. Pepper.