This last week started just like any other. I went to work Monday, and all day Tuesday. I came home after work Tuesday and was thinking about what we would have for dinner, and anticipating picking Brandon up from work.
That's when I got the call. Our Resource Family Consultant called and told me there were two little people being removed from a home right as we spoke that we needed to pick up to bring home! I was speechless, but thrilled all the same. I got off the phone as quick as I could and went to grab Brandon from work. We needed some extra time to run to the store to buy some car seats, and baby stuff. The ladies at Babies R Us were fantastic as we quickly told them why we were in a hurry. We made the mad dash to the Christmas Box House off of 12th Street in Ogden to meet a brother and sister that were coming to our home. The little girl was nearly 2 years next month, and the little guy was just 7 months. Their names were Rahniya and Aubrey. We called them Niya and Bubba for kicks.
They didn't stay with us long though, even though at first we were told it could be a while since mom wasn't in the picture. We were told that mom had left the babies with their great grandparents and had moved to St. Louis for whatever reason. But as soon as mom found out her kids were in custody she flew back and got them. We will never know why the judge let her take them back so quickly, but have to accept that it's the Lord's will.
We absolutely fell in love with these little ones. Niya was very trusting immediately when we picked them up. Luckily the little guy was too young to fully get what was going on. The kids hadn't had their own beds while at their grandparent's so getting them to sleep was an insurmountable task. The 1st night with us, she zonked right out because of the trauma of the day, and the baby would only sleep if I was laying down with him snuggled up on my chest.
It was heartbreaking when we got that call to take them back. They didn't want to go with their mom. Niya was handed over to her mom and turned around to look at me and started crying, screaming, and reaching out for me. Bubba was upset too. It was even more difficult to leave them like that, and Brandon and I cried all the way home.
We took training classes that told us it would be difficult to leave babies behind. But nothing could have prepared us for the broken hearts we received. Those precious little babies left us changed people. We are still recovering from this, but are grateful for the experience.
im sorry girl! BUt there will be others for you! We have had "A" for 4 months now and while it has been realluy fullfilling, it has also been really hard... 2 year olds are a really rough age... just enough exposure to have all the bad habbits plus the stubbornness of a 2 year old! :) I think we will only take babies from now on.... good luck!
Thanks for the good song and this heart wrenching story. It doesn't take much to make me cry, but i was balling. One of these times it will stick. I will keep praying for you two. I miss you both!
Oh, My heart goes to you.. I got teared up from reading this. I empathized with you both.
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