Monday, April 6


God gave me the opportunity to learn something valuable today. I think He knew I needed a swift kick in the pants when it comes to humility and not jumping to conclusions about some things in life.

I have found that I am one of those people that though I try very hard and definitely know better, I tend to make judgments about situations, people, or things that I see going on around me, or happening to me. One thing I know realize now more than ever is that I am undoubtedly, very fallibly and completely human! I used to be worse as a teenager but as I have gotten a little older I have become a little wiser.

So getting back to God kicking me in the patootie....

In my life both as a foster mom and having worked as a full-time interpreter, I have been able to meet and greet many new people. There are those people I would meet before interpreting appointments that I just knew they had a history or interesting story that made them who they are. Then there were the clients that I must admittedly say I was glad that I only ever met them once. As a foster mom I have gotten to know case workers, family advocates, etc. And today I got to know an incredibly brave person who shall remain anonymous, but who inspired me a great deal. This person taught me to not "judge a book by its cover". I now firmly believe in that dumb old cliche of not judging someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes. I have learned also that I have absolutely NO right to assume anything about someone because there is so much more underneath who they are or what they look like.

I also would like to say that I have had the wonderful privilege of reuniting with an old friend in the last couple of months. This has also taught me what I have mentioned above. I have found myself becoming a more loving, understanding, and forgiving person because of both of these situations and people. How much better life would be if people could just love one another unconditionally and without judging one another. This old friend of mine is very quickly becoming once again the best friend they once were to me. I absolutely adore her for the person she is, and the person she is becoming. She is also one of the bravest people I have ever met.

I can only hope that I will have these experiences as a gentle and reassuring reminder that I will go through life just loving people for who they are, and take the time to know them.

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