Monday, April 27

Ugh, Here We Go Again...

I must have some kind of tendency to seeing things that are quite unpleasant lately.

I took the boys to Wal-Mart today for our weekly trip to the grocery store (which I always spend way too much) and the trip went really well. I buried Hunter in the grocery cart with groceries to the point that I HAD to take him out because it wasn't fun anymore. He was MUCH improved with his mood when I did take him out. It wasn't until the end that I saw her....

I was walking with Hunter holding one hand in to the parking lot and one hand on my grocery cart (filled to the brim including the baby in the cart seat) and saw this middle-aged lady that when I saw her from the side, and looked between her waist and her knees, I swear I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between her gut and her butt. Bless her heart, she looked like a giant basketball with legs. The only thing was that she had the guts to wear black shiny spandex pants, and a black and white striped t-shirt.

Yet another image welded in to my brain..... oh joy.